lördag 13 augusti 2011

Gaza exporterar grönsaker till Europa genom israeliskt företag.

Agrexco, det israeliska exportföretag som förmedlar Gazas odlares tomater och andra grönsaker är uppsatt på BDS boycottlista, kommer det att bli våldsamma demonstrationer mot Agrexco från den svenska Palestina rörelsen nu? 
Lägg märke till att exporten pågott ett tag o nu läggs tomater till listan - varför så tyst? 
Israel tillåter alltså ett av sina företag samarbeta med det område som regelbundet beskjuter israeliska städer o byar., men det anser inte Europas mediakår värt att nämna än mindre blockadbrytarna eller vår utrikesminister som ju alla påstår att gazanerna svälter.

tisdag 9 augusti 2011

Religiösa friskolor strider mot lagen - Debatt - Expressen.se

Religiösa friskolor strider mot lagen - Debatt - Expressen.se

Mycket bra inlägg av en av landets auktoriteter på området. Jag har alltid ogillat ideologiska friskolor av vilken religion det vara må eller annan ideologi. Dessutom borde det vara slöjförbud på ickekönsmogna jäntor i de kommunala skolorna eller annan avvikande o utpekande klädkod av vilken åskådning som helst. Samt krav på deltagande i samtliga ämnen inkl idrott, musik etc.

torsdag 4 augusti 2011

Fatah reaffirms 1968 Charter, endorses Judophobia

Kommentarer egentligen överflödiga, från min sida. Detta är inga nyheter, men intressant att han fick tala i FN. Kanske någon politiskt korrekt västvärldspolitiker eventuellt börjar tänka efter.


Fatah reaffirms 1968 Charter, endorses Judophobia

YouTube 3 August 2011

By David G. Littman
David G. Littman explains in the United Nations how Fatah reasserts its original 1968 Charter in spite of pledges in the Oslo Accords and elsewhere to amend it, how this Charter calls for all-out warfare against Israel and ethnic cleansing of Jews, and mentions examples of racism taught openly in the PA authority schools.

Full transcript of the speech:

Politicidal PLO Fatah National Charter (1968) / Genocidal Hamas Charter (1988)
Sir, on the subject of a future peace between Israel and a Palestinian State, we wish to reiterate a fundamental obstacle that cannot simply be brushed aside because of 'political sensitivities'.

After Fatah's 2009 Sixth General Conference, it was declared that its 1968 Charter remains unchanged -- and this despite several formal promises since 1989 to amend it. (1)
In the recent UPR Report on Libya, "Palestine praised...the Great Green document [of al-Qaddhafi] .." (2) Our text contains the grim strategy of Fatah's Great Green Charter:
-- In the Palestinian state only Jews who lived in Palestine before 1917 will be recognized as citizens [Article 6]:
-- Only the Palestinian Arabs possess the right of self determination, and the entire country belongs to them [Articles 3 and 21].

-- Any solution that does not involve total liberation of the country is rejected. This aim cannot be achieved politically; it can only be accomplished militarily [Articles 9 & 21].
-- Warfare against Israel is legal, whereas Israel's self defence is illegal [Article 18]. (3)
The main theme of the various Nakba Day events a month ago was the Palestinian refugees' return to the 1948 territories and the destruction of the State of Israel. (4) In viewing the speech delivered for Mahmoud Abbas in Gaza a month ago [14 May, Naqba Day], one realises that this objective remains intact.
After denying any Jewish rights in its ancient homeland, he claimed: "(...) the nation of Palestine upon the land of Canaan had a 7000 years history BCE. This is the truth, which must be understood and we have to note it in order to say: 'Netanyahu, you are incidental to history. We are the owners of history.'" (5) This is the same fantasy world to be found in the grotesque words spoken by Arafat at his first UN press conference here in 1983.
["We were under Roman imperialism. We sent a Palestinian fisherman, called St. Peter, to Rome. He not only occupied Rome, but also won the hearts of the people. We know how to resist imperialism and occupation.]
Jesus Christ was the first Palestinian fedayin who carried his sword along the path on which the Palestinians today carry their cross." (6)
Such nonsense helps us to understand the success for 40 years of 'Palestinianism' and explains why the PA [Palestinian Authority] still refuses to recognise the historic reality of a State of Israel -- with the term 'Jewish' -- within a small part of its ancestral homeland, thereby continuing to deny Israel's international legitimacy [since 1947]. (7) Judeophobia is taught in its schools, in the streets and distilled on both PA and Hamas TV programmes.
To continue to ignore the PLO and Hamas Charters which express Palestinian strategic goals will lead the UN down a blind alley, both at the Council & the General Assembly in September. So long as the Charters remain unchanged 'peace negotiations' will remain as illusions.
Thank you, Mr President.